Why Recovery Is More Than Just Rest

When you’re ill or injured, resting is highly recommended. This makes sense, of course - the more you take it easy, the faster you’re going to feel well again! But should recovery just be about rest? We don’t think so. 

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Because Your Health is Made Up of Many Elements

Health is more than needing to get plenty of sleep and keeping an injured ankle elevated. It’s making sure your heart is pumping strong and you can go up and down the stairs without needing to pause for breath. It's also taking care of your mental health, which is hard to do when you’re isolated within your home environment. 

As such, many doctors advise patients to try and fit exercise into their recovery routine. Keep the whole of your body healthy, build up your strength, and give yourself an excuse to get outside into the fresh air and sunshine. It’s all good for you! 

Because Your Finances Change

If you’re in a period of recovery right now, you’re probably not working at the same time. Or if you are, you’re not doing as much work as you used to. You may have gone part time or working weekends only, or you’ve cut off quite a few clients and are only focusing on one or two. 

Either way, your finances have changed. And even though you need to focus on resting and recovering right now, nothing quite changes the fact that you need money to live. That’s why so many people incorporate contacting personal injury solicitors into their recovery, or they pick up a new remote job as they’re laying in bed or staying at home.

Getting a new job or changing your working setup can even help you keep your mind healthy and give you something to focus on, other than what’s happened to you or how you feel about it. 

Because Your Social Circle Shrinks

When you’re recovering from a serious and/or chronic illness, or you’ve been laid up in bed for a long time with broken bones or torn ligaments, the people you thought were friends might not show their faces at all. They may not even send you a message to ask what’s going on or how you are. 

A lot of people claim that getting ill shows you who really loves you. For some people this is true, and your social circle can shrink down to three or four people as a result. 

This can be a huge change to try and deal with on top of everything else, and can leave you with confused feelings over who you want in your life or who you have to depend on. If you’re trying to recover with this in the back of your mind, you’re probably not going to rest very well! 

Recovery shouldn’t be about resting alone. It should be something you combine with other healthy activities to stay fit, secure, and prevent isolation. Keep this in mind for your own recovery period.